Name: Sket
Genre: Drama
Narrative: The story line is about a teenage girl from East London who's sister is killed by a middle aged man from her area. After her sisters death, she gets into a gang and becomes incredibly violent and goes around committing assault. Her plan is to get revenge on the man that killed her sister.
Characters: The characters are young teenage girls and a few males that are from East London. To survive, they all take part in illegal activities such as selling illegal substances and shop lifting.
Iconography: Throughout this trailers, there are vivid scenes of violent, loud screaming, hyper realism and death.
Setting: This movie is set in the run down area of East London. It is very gloomy and always cloudy.
Name: Think like a man
Genre: Romance Comedy
Narrative: The story line of this story is about black american women and men. All the men discover a book that the women read called 'Think like a man', this book is a guide for women to know how men think. So when the men get a hold of this book they do the exact opposite to what they would normally do just to win the hearts of the ladies they like.
Characters: The characters are about 23-27 years old and they live in america. There is the mummy's boy, the player, the perfectionist, the single mum and so on.
Setting: It is set in America and mainly in places where they would go on a date such as houses, restaurants, parks ect.
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